Basic Primal Movement Patterns we shoud be doing everyday

There are 7 basic patterns we should be practising every day to help with our daily lives. These include locomotion or gait, pull, push, squat (hips down), lunge, rotation and bend to extend (hips back, back straight).

Performing these moves with good technique help us to move better and live well in our daily functional activities.

Locomotion or gait is walking forwards and backwards, pushing and pulling means using weight or resistance   (can be body weight eg push-ups), squatting helps us to sit with control and to lift efficiently, lunges enable us to climb, step over objects, move away (walking lunges are the best!), rotation helps us to reach across and behind our body and finally bend to extend is when we sit our hips back to extend our reach, leaning forward to reach something.

The best exercises combine different movements together such as picking something off the floor and putting it on a high shelf to the side or pulling something through our legs in a bent position. Spend one of your sessions this week with 5 movements. Here’s a video to get you started…..!


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