Pretend you are going to pass wind?! Pelvic Floor Practice

Everyone laughs when I say this in class but pelvic floor dysfunction affects men and women and it can be really miserable.

It affects people physically but also mentally. If you have to plan your route around the toilets, it affects your life. If you are concerned that you may leave a damp patch or smell, it affects your life. If you are concerned about having sex, it affects your life.

Television almost trivialises this,  showing people nonchalantly walking around in uniquely designed pants. Most people do not have to resort to the fancy underwear advertised on television.

The first thing is to try daily exercises which will help to reduce and eliminate the risk of pelvic floor dysfunction. Here is a great excerpt from radio–sXSY8eVHZzpU

Our Diamond Pilates Workshops are great at helping you understand and become familiar with the exercises you need.

The next step is access Intimate Health Physiotherapists who deal exclusively with this type of concern. We have contacts in the NHS for both men and women. They can often help you understand and work with your body. Of course some people do need surgical or medical intervention and if this is the case the Physiotherapists will refer you on.

If this is affecting your life, please  don’t just accept this as part of the aging or childbirth process. Ask for help now. Look out for the Diamond Pilates Classes which focus on this particular issue. If you are interested , please contact me